在今天的惩教制度中, 需要注重囚犯改造的模范专业人员, 安全和宣传. Become proficient in ensuring the safety and welfare of citizens within the corrections system. 课程包括试用期, 假释, 病例管理, 危机干预等等, our corrections program will prepare you for a rewarding career in a noble profession – advocating for 青少年, 管理罪犯,确保他们在犯罪过程中的安全和幸福.
作为赌博网站惩教专业的毕业生, 你将成为美国司法系统的中坚力量. The 刑事司法学士 (BCJ) 修正 major is designed for students who are interested in understanding and working with criminal offenders. 通过这个专业, you’ll be equipped to handle the dynamic nature of the largest facet of the criminal justice system. The program focuses on the relationship of the field of corrections to the broader criminal justice system, 以及社区监管中对罪犯的评价和处理, 监护和社区设施.
该专业旨在为你提供足够的法律问题背景知识, 管理, 历史, social work and counseling that effectively augment the knowledge and skills they develop in the criminal justice core curriculum. 重点是提供罪犯重返社会的最新观点, 人口管理策略, 犯罪者的动机, theory and policy that will provide you with the requisite educational foundation to effect positive outcomes in offender 管理.
- TU’s corrections program is a unique major, as very few schools offer this specialization.
- 您将与具有专业经验的全职教师一起学习, 以及兼职教师,他们是目前的从业人员.
- 提供一般刑事司法课程和特定的惩教课程, 这个专业给你一个全面的矫正视角.
- 课程 allow you to focus on key issues in both institutional and community corrections as well as offender reentry.
- TU的惩戒校友网络为您的就业提供了灵活性.
Our corrections program offers you the unique opportunity to interact with working professionals from the field. Our faculty come from the correctional environment and bring to the classroom their professional experiences from working in prisons, 监狱, 假释, 法院的安全, 咨询和国际实地工作.
我们的一位教员在奥本监狱工作了六年, 纽约州最高安全级别监狱.
另一位在矫正领域与男性一起工作了32年, 女性, 青少年, 受害者和罪犯家属. Our corrections faculty also includes adjunct faculty who are currently working in the field.
Our faculty’s professional practice experience offers you an innovative blend of theory and practice that is crucial for a professional corrections education. Their understanding of offenders and the prison environment provides you with real-world examples and explanations of the prison and correctional settings. 除了, our faculty will take you into the field and let you explore the correctional environment firsthand, 将真实世界的见解带入课堂教学.
- 获取当前, in-depth knowledge of institutional and community corrections as well as offender reentry.
- 参观惩教设施.
- 与囚犯和狱警进行一对一的对话.
- 向两方面的人学习第一手资料.
- 听取在该领域工作的专业人士的演讲嘉宾.
- 学会在专业场合通过着装和讲话来展示自己.
在俄亥俄州宣誓成为一名警察, 你必须成功完成俄亥俄州警官培训学院(OPOTA). Tiffin University partners with Terra State Community College to include the cost of the academy in tuition and can be earned in just one semester.
This unique training academy is state mandated for all police officers and covers firearms, 依法行政, 人际关系, 交通, 巡逻, 开车, 主题控制, 调查, 内乱, 体能调理等方面的执法. Students apply direct, hands-on practice in the crime lab, firing range and police cruisers. 有经验的, 认证讲师和动手应用, 我们的学生在国家认证的考试中始终达到通过率. 一旦该计划的毕业生获得认证, 他们立即有资格获得全职工作.
在TU的校正专业,你将通过实践来学习,这是一个沉浸式项目的一部分. In the classroom, you’ll engage with faculty who bring professional experiences to every discussion. 你将在小组活动、课堂演讲和辩论中分享知识和想法. You’ll develop critical thinking, problem-solving and decision-making skills through role play. 你将分析电影和其他媒体的主要修正概念. 你会听到来自该领域的专业人士的演讲嘉宾.
参加专业实习, 你会获得更多的领域知识和宝贵的经验. 在小组项目和研究项目中, 你将学会与他人合作, 委派责任, 以及如何处理群体中的冲突.
These hands-on immersive experiences will equip you with an in-depth knowledge of the corrections field, 同时也让你成为一个有效的合作者, 创新的问题解决者, 有说服力的谈判者和沟通者, 自信的领导者.
- 从事一个重大的现场项目,发现并解决现场当前的问题.
- Participate in public service projects related to educating people on the corrections field.
- 培养有效的写作技巧——能够写出清晰而简洁的报告.
- Gain a global perspective, conducting research on practices in other countries and other states.
- 在小组项目中合作,学习与来自不同背景的人一起工作.
- 与来自不同种族、文化、性别和性别认同的罪犯互动.
课程 & 格式
刑事司法学院核心课程= 18学时
惩戒专业= 42小时
午餐校园和在线专业课程, 每个3小时-除非特别注明(除刑事司法核心课程外):
- COR120矫正思想与实践
- COR231少年司法制度
- COR245缓刑、假释和社区矫正
- COR336囚犯的宪法权利
- COR420机构管理
- ENF293犯罪学(w)
- FOR105受害者研究
- FOR344暴力与攻击心理学(w)
- 423病例管理
- FOR430危机干预策略
- 性犯罪
- 《毒品与社会
- 心理学入门
- PSY362异常行为
总计 = 42小时
刑事司法学士总学时= 121
这是一个示例课程序列来说明本专业的课程设置. Consult the official Academic 公告 for detailed registration and advising information.
惩教思想与实践(COR120) – An in-depth analysis of correctional alternatives available for the treatment of the offender. 重点将放在传统的惩教设施和缓刑, 假释和社区矫正的替代方案.
青少年司法制度(COR231) -历史, 概念, and scope of the juvenile justice system and its contrast with the adult system of justice. Includes an analysis of the juvenile justice process from initial intervention of delinquency and status offenses by law enforcement personnel and others through release from intervention.
缓刑、假释和社区矫正(COR245) – Course is designed to address the two common options to the imprisonment of a convicted offender. Theoretical approaches regarding the philosophical as well as the practical aspects of these alternatives are considered.
囚犯的宪法权利(COR336) – An in-depth study of the wide range of court decisions that have had an effect on the offender. 专注于机构的正当程序, 假释和缓刑听证会和分类程序.
机构管理(COR420) – This course analyzes some of the distinct differences between public and private 管理. The theory of controlling, organizing, planning, directing and assembling resources is covered. Students will develop a course project designed to cover the 概念 explored in this course.
在校园 -提供为期15周的学期形式,开始日期为1月和8月
在线 – Offered in two terms per semester starting in January, March, May, July, August and October
惩教部门是美国各州最大的雇主之一.S., 让你能在任何州工作, 如果你愿意移动, 几乎无限的就业机会.
- 矫正管理员
- 惩教个案经理
- 狱警
- 惩教专员
- 企业安全
- 县副警长
- 刑事调查员/侦探
- 欺诈调查员
- 公路巡警
- 情报分析师
- 假释官
- 警察
- 监狱的监狱长
- 缓刑监督官
- 检控署调查员
- 特工
虽然获得这样的职位竞争非常激烈, TU校友已经在这些机构工作:
- 艾伦县儿童抚养费
- 美国志愿队
- 塞内卡县
- 县警长办公室
- 联邦监狱局
- 联邦缓刑办公室
- 格林县少年法庭
- 公共安全部
- 康复和矫正部
- 青年服务部
- 肯塔基州惩教部
- 当地的监狱
- 俄亥俄州康复和矫正部
- 俄亥俄州青少年服务部
- 塞内卡县监狱
- 国家惩教设施
- 州缓刑办公室
Both the Tiffin Chief of Police and Seneca County Sheriff are Tiffin University Criminal Justice alums.
如果研究生院成为你职业规划的一部分,赌博网站有一个很大的 在线研究生课程在刑事司法与各种浓度. Our students in these graduate programs often have decades of experience in the field and come to us to get their master’s degrees to attain top administrative positions, 比如警察局长.
Tiffin University brings in instructors that have the education and the experience to pass on to our students. 我们的教官来自俄亥俄州的各个部门:托莱多警察局, 佩里斯堡警察局, 诺沃克警察局, 渥太华县警长办公室, 韦恩县警长办公室, Lucas County Sheriff’s Office; as well as Weirton Police Department (West Virginia), 美国特勤局, 美国陆军, 美国海军, 美国空军, 俄亥俄州陆军国民警卫队和俄亥俄州空军国民警卫队.
我们的教官担任过凶杀案侦探, 人身犯罪侦探, 互联网儿童色情侦探, 指挥人员, 一般的侦探, 警察局长, 特工, 卧底缉毒员, 宪兵军官, 道路巡警, 联邦特遣部队成员和国土安全人员.
蒂芬,OH 44883
- 沉浸式的,实践性的项目
- 具有丰富惩戒经验的教员
- 强调现实世界的体验式学习
- 专业实习